Just a person doing people things. That's all any of us really are. We're all like animals in a safari with the internet as our observation deck. Whether I'm the animal or the observation deck is for you to decide. We all view the world in different ways, and I respect that. At least I can make my observation deck pretty.
I feel that we have certain experiences, lenses if you will, that we look at the world through, some of them rarer than others and others more common than we think. We can never be exactly sure what others see through their lenses, as no two people have the exact same set, but I want to know. I want to know how other people feel, how they think. I want to gain that perspective. And I want to give others my perspective too. Lend them my lenses, whoever "them" ends up being.
We're all unique in our own way. That's human. Yet sometimes that uniqueness is what can make us feel like rejects or outcasts. By understanding each other's uniqueness I think that we can more easily find the common threads between people and better accept them. It's this power of observation, the power to bring people together that I want to achieve. It's what makes the internet, our observation deck, so powerful.
I want to understand people. To look through their lenses and be able to say "I understand, I can help you," a skill that I sometimes feel is hindered by my own lenses. That's an emotion I think a lot of people have felt in their lives before, even if you don't have a name for it. I want to be able to look at people doing or saying things that I can't understand or don't agree with, and instead of getting angry or upset, be able to say: "Oh, I shouldn't care about what they have to do or say, after all, we're all the same. That's just a person doing people things. Doing human things."
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